Quick Fixes for Runny Homemade Lotion

Simply add an emulsifier to thicken homemade lotion.Creating your own lotions at home allows you to control the ingredients and fragrance. But if your lotion comes out too runny, it will be difficult to apply. Basic lotion recipes include oil, water and an emulsifier, which helps blend the other two i...

How to Soften Plaque on Teeth

Soften plaque and remove it yourself to decrease trips to the dentist.Employ techniques to soften plaque in your daily oral hygiene routine. Softening plaque allows you to remove it from your teeth so you won't have to visit the dentist for a major cleaning. Plaque forms upon food consumption, particularly when eating...

Effects of Aging in Middle Adulthood

Men and woman alike can experience the You notice a wrinkle here, a little line there. You glance down one morning, only to find that your belly seemed to thicken overnight. You lean just a bit closer to see yourself in the mirror. You might have experience these signs of aging and more,...

How to Hide a Pimple for Men

Avoid picking at acne, as this will lead to scarring.Pimples occur when a skin's pores become clogged with bacteria, dead skin cells and naturally occurring oils. Acne can be triggered by a number of reasons, including hormonal changes that occur in adolescence, damage or friction to the skin and an o...

How to Lighten Scars

smallLightening scars on your face and skin can be accomplished using a few different ingredients, like Bio-oil. Lighten scars with help from a trained and certified makeup artist in this free video clip.

How to Bring a Whitehead to the Surface

Extracting the whitehead may prevent acne.A whitehead, also known as a closed comedo, is a clogged hair follicle or pore, and is a sign of acne. When dirt, skin debris or oil get trapped in this follicle, they can lead to inflammations and other forms of acne such as pimples or cystic acne....

How to Get Rid of Shine on the Face

Clear up oil on the skin with at-home treatments.If your face is shiny, chances are you have oily skin, or skin that is prone to be oily in certain conditions, such as humidity. Aside from wanting to look fresh and clean, you may want to fix your shiny skin to ward off acne and blackheads. However,...